This book thoroughly documents the many problems that exist with international adoption. These include:1) Adoptive parents who view adoption as a religious calling, not necessarily understanding the implications for the child(ren) they adopt, or feeling as though their religious calling trumps th...
The New Reformation Chapter Four. The New Reformation “In a way, the roots of this story go back to Westminster [Theological Seminary],” Susan Wise Bauer tells me as she navigates through a toll booth while caravanning behind her husband as they drive south from the Jamestown area to the Carolina...
It was like a scene from the story she had, as a child, begged her father to read, over and again; Scheherazade and the Arabian Nights. Each time Scheherazade’s life was saved, she’d sigh with relief, yet listen fearfully again the next time. A moment of sadness tinged the day as she wished her f...