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Katie Oliver books

Katie Oliver
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Read Books by Katie Oliver


Prada and Prejudice (2014)

I got this book for FREE when I did a search of the top 100 the other day ... after getting a mixed assortment I started reading this one & was so hooked I read it in a day!The thing about a book like this is that it enables complete escapism into a chicklit world! The characters are not average,...

Prada and Prejudice (2014) by Katie Oliver

Manolos in Manhattan (2015)

Over cups of instant coffee and a plate of Jamie’s white-chocolate chip cookies, Hugh and Holly settled themselves on the sofa. “So what’d you find out?” Holly demanded. “Tell me.” But he refused to be rushed, and opened a folder and withdrew several photocopied sheets. “I came across a newspaper...

Manolos in Manhattan (2015) by Katie Oliver

And the Bride Wore Prada (2015)

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to stop smiling. ‘You’re looking very happy today, darling,’ Tarquin observed as he joined her in the morning room and kissed her. ‘Any particular reason?’ She wanted to tell him about the possibility of adopting Caitlin’s baby, but she’d promised n...

And the Bride Wore Prada (2015) by Katie Oliver

What Would Lizzy Bennet Do? (2016)

Chapter 36 ‘How was your picnic with Araminta, Daddy?’ Lizzy asked early that evening, as she and Emma helped unpack the car. Charlotte had disappeared straight up to her room. ‘It was very nice,’ Mr Bennet replied, and handed her an armload of damp towels. ‘The rain held off, thank goodness. And...

What Would Lizzy Bennet Do? (2016) by Katie Oliver

Prada and Prejudice (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 1)

His blanket and sheet were folded on the back of the sofa; the waste bin was back in its place in the kitchen. Everything was tidy, but the sofa cushions were askew.And a tube of Violet Vixen lip tint lay on the hallway floor.Natalie bent down to retrieve it, her eyebrows drawn together in a frow...

Prada and Prejudice (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 1) by Katie Oliver

The Trouble With Emma (2016)

Business was so brisk that Boz and Viv could scarcely put the cream horns and raspberry tarts out for display before they all sold out again. “What a day!” Emma declared as she finally flipped the sign to ‘Closed’ and locked the front door at half past two. “I’ll hear the sound of the till openin...

The Trouble With Emma (2016) by Katie Oliver

Who Needs Mr Willoughby? (2016)

Chapter 20 The foursome – Marianne, Elinor, Edward and Kit – made their way to the stables after dinner. “I think it’s very sensible to have pudding after we get back from our ride, don’t you agree?” Elinor asked Edward as he handed her up into the saddle. “I do.” He swung his booted leg over the...

Who Needs Mr Willoughby? (2016) by Katie Oliver

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