The Calida Lucia had spent the last fortnight putting her sister ship to the test in the form of grueling space trials. The Spirit of London had responded magnificently and seemed completely back to normal, so the two Imperial vessels moved onto battle drills, flying side by side into the outer s...
squealed the Chancellor. “By the time we signal Melania and they send my private shuttle, I’ll just have time to say goodbye to myself and warn me from going on this terrible journey.” Johnny had never seen Gronack so excited. The phasmeer’s antennae danced above its head, wrapping around each ot...
Wilkins had spread thickly with Marmite, which Johnny hated) he snuck away and took the Bakerloo straight back to the City. The Spirit of London wasn’t a happy ship. Apparently Clara had snuck out of sickbay to fold Louise and Rusty to Santorini and collapsed immediately afterward. Alf had brough...