Moby-Dick for the blog generation. Cat food cannery worker Gus Openshaw has one goal in life: to kill a whale. Not just any whale, but a big, blubbery whale that ate his wife, child, and arm during a vicious and unprovoked attack. With a rickety boat and a heavily restrictive whale-hunting li...
At least he hasn’t yet. The bad news is it turns out that five million in cash (what I’ve got now, minus the new ride and taking the crew’s wages plus expenses into account) doesn’t get you more than the equivalent of a Happy Meal at a state-of-the-art arms dealership like Dealer Dan’s. The howit...
Cloaked in elegant gray velvet curtains, three-story windows admitted only stray particles of daylight. The floor was a pool of black marble. As Charlie’s eyes acclimated, trophies sprang from the dark mahogany walls—a lion, a boar, a herd of antlered animals, and an elephant with tusks big enoug...
He chose the smallest, an eight-by-ten-foot cement box fronted by a sliding wall of thick, rusty bars. Inside the cell, two cots hung from a moldy wall by chains, one on top of the other. A metal sink sprouted from the adjacent wall. On the floor lay a filthy porcelain platform the size of a note...