kent nerburn's chief joseph & the flight of the nez perce is an engaging chronicle of the infamous 1877 ordeal endured by the nez perce people. this tragic tale follows an 800-member faction of the pacific northwest tribe driven from their longtime ancestral lands in eastern oregon and their ens...
In this 1996 Minnesota Book Award winner, Kent Nerburn draws the reader deep into the world of an Indian elder known only as Dan. It’s a world of Indian towns, white roadside cafes, and abandoned roads that swirl with the memories of the Ghost Dance and Sitting Bull. Readers meet vivid characters...
A HUNDRED MILES farther ahead, the Nez Perce sensed the weakening pursuit. Attacks by the Crow and Bannock had dwindled to almost nothing. The rear scouts saw little in the way of soldier movements to concern them. Their struggle now lay with the great emptiness of the buffalo plains. Within the ...
Dan had saved a corner of his cheeseburger for Fatback, and the dog was making a great ceremony out of licking the ketchup and onions off the greasy bun onto the seat beside me. We drove without speaking. Only the sound of Fatback’s incessant licking punctuated the great peace of the high-plains ...