Writing seems to cheer one Makes a man remember home And often makes him wonder Why he commenced to roam. Now if by chance they get me, Should put me out of gear, I’ll go out like a Briton Like you would have me, Dear. But in the meantime while I li...
The hot, moist, equatorial evening added to their general appearance of fatigue, their expressions reflecting their disappointment in failing to secure the support Indonesia so desperately needed, at that time. The Cairo summit had, in that respect, been a dismal failure for the Republic, and mem...
He checked into the Four Seasons on the corner of West Georgia and Howe, and decided to fill in the afternoon researching the Marcos gold cache story, running through dailies stored on microfilm at the Vancouver Sun. Kremenchug commenced his search around the time Marcos passed away, and worked b...
Anderson briefed the Prime Minister with the Attorney General in attendance. As the special adviser liaising between ASIO, the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, and the Prime Minister’s office, it was his responsibility, inter-alia , to ensure that the country’s political leadership ...