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Kylie Scott books

Kylie Scott
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Read Books by Kylie Scott


Lead (2014)

Complimentary copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.Jimmy Ferris is the lead singer of Stage Dive and a former addict. Keeping him sober has been the goal of the group but in an attempt to regain their own lives, they hire a sober living coach to stay with him at all keepin...

Lead (2014) by Kylie Scott

Lick (2013)

I really loved this book! Kylie Scott really has a beautiful and funny and witty writing style that I didn't expect at first. But she really got me with the way she lets her characters interact with each other. None of their actions seemed inappropriate or unnatural and I just really loved Evelyn...

Lick (2013) by Kylie Scott

Room With a View: Hot Down Under (2012)

This was too short! Only 25 pages on my Kindle and I already want more of Angus. Angus is a horrible name from my North American POV, but he was so cute. He was 10 years younger than the heroine and she felt like a dirty old lady for it, but he wanted her and he thought she was beautiful and it w...

Room With a View: Hot Down Under (2012) by Kylie Scott


Ben: You doing okay? Studies all good and everything?     Ben: C’mon, Liz. Talk to me. I’m still your friend.     Ben: So I guess you’ll be at the wedding?     *   *   * “He’s not really going to wear one of those white satin Elvis jumps...

Deep by Kylie Scott

Flesh 02 Skin

Nick pulled the pickup to the side of the road out of habit more than anything. It wasn’t like anyone would need to pass. The front half of the huge plane sat embedded in a house, torn apart on impact. Bits of blackened metal were strewn across the road in front of them. Its ass was a burned-out ...

Flesh 02 Skin by Kylie Scott

Stage Dive 02 Play

An hour later, Mal was in loud, manic mode.     He only had a bottle of water in his hand. Our words had gotten through to him at least. Just like the first night I met him, he stood on top of a coffee table, doing his groove thing. There were a lot of women willing to heed hi...

Stage Dive 02 Play by Kylie Scott

Flesh 01

Al. You have to wake up.” Problem was she didn’t want to. Really, honest to God, did not want to. And they couldn’t make her. Screw them. Her face pounded, and her brain ached like a rusty nail had been embedded deep. The worst of hangovers didn’t measure up to this. “Al?” Despite it all, he had ...

Flesh 01 by Kylie Scott

Colonist's Wife

Asshole, cock-sucking sonofabitch.Louise stabbed her small spade into an innocent mound of dirt and turned it over with more zeal than care. Asshole. Gods, when she got her hands on him. As if she couldn’t recognize the imprint of his big, fat, dumb head in a couch cushion.Rose had come over for ...

Colonist's Wife by Kylie Scott

Flesh 01.5 Room With a View: Hot Down Under

The ocean had long since washed away the bulk of the dead bodies and debris. Only the tank remained and each tide buried it deeper. Angus had abandoned her. Which was probably for the best. She couldn’t stand to watch him die too. The summer sun was blindingly bright, the weather hot and humid, t...

Flesh 01.5 Room With a View: Hot Down Under by Kylie Scott

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