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L. E. Modesitt Jr. books

L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Read Books by L. E. Modesitt Jr.


The White Order

   When the ancient white mages had imprisoned the dark forest of Naclos and created the great and peaceful land of Cyador, they believed that they had banished darkness forever, but the demon powers reached and drew mighty champions from far beyond the world, and the black mage Nylan sundered th...

The White Order by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Adiamante (2011)

One hand brushed back sandy hair, and she frowned as the chime rang, both in her head and on the invisible speaker beside the door. “Commander’s conference,” announced MYL-ERA. “Report.” “Kemra,” the nav announced, waiting as the others reported. “All on net,” MYL-ERA announced. “Subcommander Kem...

Adiamante (2011) by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The Soprano Sorceress: The First Book of the Spellsong Cycle

Although the sun had just set, the air remained still, hot—and dusty. The ride from Mencha had given Anna a new appreciation of the term “eat dust.” Even near the head of the column the dust was everywhere. She felt like she had been eating, breathing, and even drinking dust. “The fort isn’t that...

The Soprano Sorceress: The First Book of the Spellsong Cycle by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The Magic Engineer

The rider heads for the lighted window behind the porch.     Liedral opens the door.     “Liedral?”     “Kadara! Are you all right? Where’s Brede?”     “He’s fine. No, he’s not. He’s tired. He’s not a marshal, but the...

The Magic Engineer by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The Magic of Recluce (2010)

Training with the weapons was hard, and not just physically. Who ever would have thought about the proper ways to hold a truncheon? The staff…I guess I saw that as more like a sword or an unpointed spear…anything that long clearly required technique. Almost all of what I learned was new, and with...

The Magic of Recluce (2010) by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Imager's Challenge

I still had no real idea how to deal with Mardoyt and Harraf. I had no proof at all that they were involved, but who else could be? And how did the attacks on Alsoran and me by Youdh’s toughs fit in? Beyond that, I had only the vaguest idea of what to do about High Holder Ryel. In fact, if I want...

Imager's Challenge by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The White Order

He set the pot on the white-dusted stones, opened the stone lid, and, in a quick motion, lifted the pot and emptied it, holding his breath as the fetid fumes swirled up before he could close the lid. Sometimes the fumes were overpowering, and at times there seemed to be none at all.   &...

The White Order by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The Death of Chaos

A thin wisp of smoke trailed from the single green-striped black stack of the old Nordlan half-steamer, though the paddles were stilled.        The silver-haired and youthful-looking woman turned for a last look toward the valley of the Great Forest of Naclos. She turned back,...

The Death of Chaos by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Legacies (2002)

“You think we’ll see any Reillies today?” asked Kypler. Alucius looked across the table from his nearly finished egg toast, toast seemingly springier than coiled nightsheep wool, if more edible. “I don’t know what we’ll see.” “You’ve been the one scouting the roads and the steads with Geran,” poi...

Legacies (2002) by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The Elysium Commission (2007)

Once the seigniora left the villa, I discovered that she’d immediately neutralized all the snoops. I couldn’t hear what was going on, but I could still follow the tracking patterns. The limousine made its way to the Boutique, where Reynarda apparently wandered through the shops around Maiden Lane...

The Elysium Commission (2007) by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Madness in Solidar

“Good morning, sir.” Alastar checked his shields, in case Ryen became even more volatile than usual. “It’s not morning, except for those who lie in bed. It’s midday. It will likely rain later.” Ryen smiled broadly. “I expect you to begin work on the new boulevard by next Lundi.” “You have acquire...

Madness in Solidar by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Mage-Guard of Hamor (2008)

The dull aching in his head that he had not noticed because of the sharpness of the light-knives remained, as did occasional flashes. He also had bruises on his back and shoulders that were more than tender to the touch, or when he stretched, but he still managed to find and saddle the gelding. O...

Mage-Guard of Hamor (2008) by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The Shadow Sorceress

She had best, she knew, for the mirror had revealed that the Sturinnese lancers from the north were no more than three days’ ride away. “Richina…I’ll be back in a few moments. I need to talk to Elfens. Then we need to talk.” “Yes, lady.” Richina’s voice was polite, but abstracted, as she glanced ...

The Shadow Sorceress by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Haze and the Hammer of Darkness

He glances up at the wooden planks over his head, lets his eyes trace out the old, old wood from the newer old wood. To the eye, the difference is not great, though he can sense the lack of harmony that the best carpentry cannot fully disguise. Smoothing the sundered patterns would be easy enough...

Haze and the Hammer of Darkness by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Arms-Commander (2009)

She had noted almost no one traveling northward toward Lornth, but she and her force had passed carts and small wagons heading away from the town. Why are they going southward? Was it just because they had friends or family with whom they could stay? Certainly, heading toward the lands of the lor...

Arms-Commander (2009) by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Empire & Ecolitan (2001)

Deeptrans is backed up again. You’re probably back out on-station now, but I’ll torp this off anyway while I’ve got a moment. I managed to win an argument with Tech and pull new drives away from a station-keep in Sector Five and get them routed to you. The Rift hasn’t been a problem, and nothing’...

Empire & Ecolitan (2001) by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Scion of Cyador

Outside, a light warm mist filters out of gray clouds, leaving a shimmering sheen over the white granite and sunstone buildings and streets of Cyad. The trees are full-leaved, and the green-and-white awnings are spread.Lorn smiles as he beholds each facet of the City of Eternal Light as the firew...

Scion of Cyador by L. E. Modesitt Jr.


When I woke on Solayi, barely after dawn, with gray light seeping into the gray room, I ached all over, and my head was pounding. I’d barely opened my eyes when an obdurate in a plain black uniform appeared, holding a tall glass filled with clear liquid.     “Master Draffyd sa...

Imager by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Cyador’s Heirs

Lerial is stiff and sore in a few places, but not nearly so much as he thought he might be. Undercaptain Woelyt strides forward to meet them. “What detachment is this? No one was expected at the palace this evening.” Eshlyn glances to Lerial, who eases the bay he has ridden for the ...

Cyador’s Heirs by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The Spellsong War: The Second Book of the Spellsong Cycle

Lord, she wanted a bath—as much to get rid of the itching from the fine red dust as anything. The damping effect of light rain of the night before had barely lasted until midmorning, and it had taken them that long to retrace their way back from the camp Jecks and Hanfor had established to the ma...

The Spellsong War: The Second Book of the Spellsong Cycle by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Treachery's Tools

Then the two senior officers held a meeting with the battalion commanders. In the end, Alastar wasn’t able to gain a moment with Wilkorn until after the imagers and troopers had been fed. Even then Alastar had to hurry to catch up with the marshal, who was walking up the road and had almost reach...

Treachery's Tools by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The Lord-Protector's Daughter (2008)

When Mykella reached the table, just behind Salyna, it was not because she had risen later, but because she had been thinking, not only about the question of envoys for matching, but also about the irregularities in the Lord-Protector’s accounts. The problem with the accounts remained that she wa...

The Lord-Protector's Daughter (2008) by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Darksong Rising

“Lady Regent, Lord Jecks.” He bowed, then straightened. “Lady Gatrune, Kyrun,” Anna inclined her head to the taller Gatrune, then to her son. Jecks repeated the salutations. “We are glad to see you, but will not trouble you until you are refreshed and we can talk at dinner.” Gatrune offered anoth...

Darksong Rising by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The Forever Hero (1987)

Eye inclined his hooded head, but said nothing. “Class two hellburner. Surface burst.” “Where did they get it?” “Who got it?” “Got what?” At the commotion, Eye raised one hand. The noise died down. “Please summarize from the beginning, Commodore.” “We’re not entirely certain, but it appears as th...

The Forever Hero (1987) by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

The Order War

I lost him in the rain, but he’s still not that close to the Clynya road.” Eldiren gave the reins a little flick to encourage his mount to continue at a fast walk.     “Do you think that Yurka will catch him?” The sub-officer’s voice was low, deferential.    &nb...

The Order War by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Rex Regis

Although he tried to be quiet, before long Vaelora woke, and they summoned breakfast, a luxury that Quaeryt, and Vaelora, did appreciate greatly.     As they lingered at the small table after eating, Vaelora asked, “Do you have any more thoughts about last night?”   ...

Rex Regis by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Princeps: A Novel in the Imager Portfolio

They were not without effort, not once Vaelora decided to try several different arrangements of furniture in the master suite on Solayi, and then, after a brief respite, in the receiving parlor. Quaeryt also listened, commenting appropriately, as Vaelora talked once more about the lack of social ...

Princeps: A Novel in the Imager Portfolio by L. E. Modesitt Jr.


The sky remained overcast with hazy and indistinct clouds. Secca stood aft on the windward side of the Silberwelle, trying to count the number of Ranuan ships without being too obvious, to see how many were actually close. Denyst crossed the deck and stood beside her. “You called a storm. Few lik...

Shadowsinger by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Imager’s Battalion

Outside was pitch-dark except for the rolling thunder and an occasional flash of lightning so close that the entire inn seemed to shudder under the force of the storm.He sat up, then, at the creaking of his door, turned to see it swing open.Didn’t you bar it?Two thumps followed and, ridiculously,...

Imager’s Battalion by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

Solar Express


Solar Express by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

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