Here were the southern flanks of the remaining two-thirds of Antichrist’s Global Community Unity Army all right, but they looked little more organized and ready to fight than did the corpses left in Edom. Perhaps that’s why Carpathia was nowhere to be found, and from the transmissions they could ...
Their glorified bodies looked about the same age; Cameron guessed forty. They appeared fit and robust. Cameron whispered to them, “I will, of course, accede to your wishes, but before you begin, the children would like to recite to you in unison what they memorized from th...
The skill of piloting a chopper may never leave, but with the advance of technology, this took some getting used to. He remembered bulky, sluggish, heavy copters. This one darted like a dragonfly. The throttle was as responsive as a joystick, and he found himself overcompensating. He banked one w...
Only he and Loretta were up. She was heading to the church office after having been assured she would not have to handle the arrangements for Bruce’s body or for the memorial service, which would be part of Sunday morning’s agenda. Verna Zee was asleep in a small bedroom in the finished basement....
He was glad she had agreed to accompany him to the church. Chloe had been sleepy and quiet all day. She had mentioned the idea of dropping out of the university for a semester and taking some classes locally. Rayford liked it. He was thinking of her. Then he realized she w...
And for five months after that, those among the last bitten still suffered. The starkest picture of the interminable suffering came from Hattie’s ordeal at the Tribulation Force’s safe house in Mount Prospect, Illinois. Her torment was so great that everyone―Rayford, Tsion...
He had been nonplussed by Dr. Ben-Judah’s mentioning Petra in his worldwide post, and there was no question the enemy monitored the Web site. David crept back to the high place in the blackness of the wee hours, the stars not providing enough illumination to keep him from ...
Tsion and Chaim spent most of their time studying. Leah seemed bored with helping Chloe with the international co-op, and while she got acquainted with Hattie, Hattie was getting on everyone’s nerves. Everyone’s except Zeke’s. He mostly kept to himself and didn’t appear affected by personal idios...
He had an idea, of course. And when Reiche Planchette came to report on his task of getting Nicolae into the Romanian military academies in a hybrid role, Carpathia changed the subject. “You wanted a civilian student and adjunct instructor position,” Planchette began. “It ...
Difficult as his job was, therapy had been no respite. He might have otherwise felt pampered in the Johannesburg palace, but his injuries negated any rest. Between painkillers his body was afire. He requested doses only large enough to take the edge off. The last thing he wanted was an addiction ...
It had indeed been Buck Williams, not more than thirty feet from the witnesses and even closer to the gunman, who was now little more than charred bones on the pavement. But Israeli television stayed with the images longer, and after watching the drama a few times, Rayford was able to take his ey...
Even if his scheme to intimidate the president of Romania fell apart at some juncture, he was certain nothing could lead back to him or to Nicolae Carpathia. Fortunato began in a seedy area on the east side of Bucharest, where blue-collar workers and their families were cr...
Mac said. “Jacksonville. Co-op guy. We can refuel there and avoid the normal spots.” “And I can put this phone under one of the wheels before we take off,” Rayford said. “If they find a mass of metal and plastic on the tarmac, what’re they going to do with it?”  ...
Patrolling GC cars ignored the sparse traffic, so Rayford looked for a turn that would appear to take him into a local area but which might lead him off-road to the city. He felt as conspicuous and obvious as he had in a long time, bouncing over dusty lots and through clos...
How long had it been since they had put him in the backseat of the jeep? He was opposite the driver’s side with Elena in front of him, Plato beside him. The leader slid in behind the wheel and told Plato to blindfold George again. George liked the fact that he was again sitting on his hands, givi...
In nine years as a mother she had somehow adapted, learned, gone on instinct. But this was new territory. How would she broach such a touchy subject with her brilliant son? This would have to be an adult conversation, and while he had many of the worst characteristics of an adult—and some of the ...