He never cleaned. “What are you doing?” He glanced up from the table and threw his hands behind his back. His eyes were in full panic mode, his mouth moving but no sound escaping. “What’s wrong?” Why wasn’t she still in her bedroom? “D...
1) @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } Fifty-four Addison was on her own to save herself, her mom, everyone in the facility, and the poor kid whose body the witches were planning to use. And she’d never felt less competent in her entire life. Great, fucking superpower did...
Pacing and bitching at myself, getting more and more agitated as I crossed off each excuse as complete bullshit. Or at least not the reason I was so fucking angry. First reason: Lane and I were friends, and she seemed to be backsliding into a person she didn’t want to be anymore. So it was only n...
Where was everyone? Davyn had said they were in the southwest corner of the building. Keira was sure of it. And then she heard a thud coming from upstairs. “Would’ve been nice to know what floor.” She sprinted back to the stairway and took the stairs two at a time, finding herself in an identical...
You need to bring her in now.” “I don’t understand why you’re so angry. She’s exactly where we want her to be—with Turner.” “And?” “And…she has one more day to either come back with him or we go get her.” &n...