In the fall of 2000, Gilmore Girls premiered on the WB and viewers were introduced to the quirky world of Stars Hollow and the Gilmores who had made it their home, mother-daughter best friends Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. With the show in its seventh season on the fledgling CW, Coffee at Luke's is t...
This means that, in order to discover who we are and what our personal moral stances on the issues in our lives entails, we have to go through a process of rejecting our parents. It’s normal, it’s healthy, and it can be very frightening. The Divergent novels tap into this fear, not only in the ob...
Television news during the War on Terror also played a role. And news coverage is something Sarah Darer Littman knows well. She isn’t just a YA writer; she’s also a newspaper columnist whose political column ran during the height of the war. Here, she uses her experiences to draw some alarming pa...