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Lee Falk books

Lee Falk
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Read Books by Lee Falk


Mystery Of The Sea Horse

"Ten dollars' important?"The Phantom took a ten-dollar bill from the wallet.Collin said, "They got a place belonging to a guy I know. It's kind of isolated, off the end of a deadend road and sort of by itself. But her sweet Andy claims he likes privacy," "Where is it?"Collin tore a memo off the p...

Mystery Of The Sea Horse by Lee Falk

The Slave Market of Mucar

Devil wagged his tail furiously, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, as he looked inquiringly at his master. The Phantom tethered the horse in the shadow of the trees. "Wait, boy," he told the wolf in a whisper. Devil went to sit near Hero, his head down on his forepaws, squinting at the Phantom...

The Slave Market of Mucar by Lee Falk

The Mysterious Ambassador

They followed. The path was a rocky ledge cut into the sheer cliff. On the other side of them was the mighty curtain of the waterfall. The roar here was deafening. By now, each one was silently asking the same amazed, baffled, question—where are we going? All except Diana, who was not amazed, not...

The Mysterious Ambassador by Lee Falk

The Golden Circle

Thunder rumbled across the dark sea, lightning crackled in the forest surrounding the old house on the cliff. The windows on the ocean side of the place clattered, a screen door came unfastened and flapped wildly against the side of the house.The Phantom paced an irregular path across the nig in ...

The Golden Circle by Lee Falk

The Hydra Monster

Meet me in myoffice tomorrow morning." Miranda refilled his glass.Sumter was sitting on the edge of the desk table with the list in his hand. "Thorough, pretty complete."The Phantom closed the door, crossed the room and took the list out of the reporter's hand. "I don't think Captain Miranda is r...

The Hydra Monster by Lee Falk

The Scorpia Menace

There were racks of weapons along the walls and on the gallery; animal heads and other trophies, suits of armour, cutlasses, every conceivable type of weapon, old and new. Large, carved chests stood about the floor and an. alcove at one end was covered by thick curtains. The Baron prowled about f...

The Scorpia Menace by Lee Falk

Killer's Town

The agonizing bind he found himself in had not changed since those lights blazed in his eyes at the gates of Killer's Town. The sound of his daughter's faint voice, "I'm ... I'm all right, daddy," echoed in his head. In response to his question, "Caroline, have they hurt you?", her frightened ans...

Killer's Town by Lee Falk

The Veiled Lady

"Someone's heading this way." With a swift silent motion of his right hand, he drew out one of his .45 automatics. Jan crouched beside the masked man in a tangle of wild grass. They were fairly near the campsite. "Another darn mantis?" Up ahead the chest-high grass swayed and rattled. The Phantom...

The Veiled Lady by Lee Falk

Story of the Phantom

The captain of the trading vessel was a famous seafarer who, in his youth, had served as cabin boy to Christopher Columbus on his first voyage to discover the New World. With the captain, was his son Kit, a strong young man who idolized his father and hoped to follow in his footsteps as a seafare...

Story of the Phantom by Lee Falk

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