A very nice woman who Sadie took as probably his wife told her he’d already gone to the office. When Sadie asked if she might have the address she gave her the location of a hardware store on the other side of town and mentioned that they didn’t open until 9:00 am. Sadie thanked her for her help....
Of course Chief Zackery Woodstone liked her as she was. Who wouldn’t? She put down her momentary loss of confidence to a throwback to middle school and moved on. There was no point in worrying about it. “Betty,” she said as she entered the shop through the main door, “wh...
"Are you okay, Ms. Barnett? You don't seem your usual self today." Sadie felt a stab of irritation. "I'm fine," she said. "Go see the chief." He nodded and left, leaving Sadie staring moodily into her coffee cup. She supposed she should be flattered that Assistant Professor Justin Ives came to he...
“Is that everything?” she asked. Lucy Shylock, blond, round, jewelry salesperson extraordinaire, and BFF to Sadie, mentally counted boxes. She came to the correct total and smiled. “Yep,” she said, “that’s it.” She leaned against Sadie’s kitchen counter and worked on cat...
Sadie Barnett said to her friend, Lucy Shylock. “Tamsin Woo, killed on the street in Seagrove. What is our town coming to?” She picked up Mr. Bradshaw, her tiny Jack Russell Terrier cross and held him close for comfort. The rash of murders they’...
B in the office with Betty. True to her word, Betty had entered the missing data so they armed themselves with handheld scanners and marched into the store to conquer the inventory. Sadie went straight to the last item she'd tried scanning and hit the sticker with the red beam of the Taser-like t...