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Leonard P. Carpenter books

Leonard P. Carpenter
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Read Books by Leonard P. Carpenter


Conan the Renegade (1986)

In rebellion-wracked Koth, Conan of Cimmeria sells his sword as a mercenary and finds himself in the midst of a deadly plot and counter-plot. The Prince plots against the King. The Baron plots against the Prince. The Wizard serves any master who furthers his own dark designs. The mercenary captai...

Conan the Renegade (1986) by Leonard P. Carpenter

Conan The Hero (1991)

In the steaming jungles of Venji, Conan of Cimmeria fights in a war seemingly without end, a war against drug-crazed raiders who strike without warning and vanish like smoke, a war against the implacable wizard, Mojourna. Yet his enemies are not only those he can see.The intrigues of the powerful...

Conan The Hero (1991) by Leonard P. Carpenter

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