“Beauty Tempts the Beast” is immediately engaging, quickly capturing the reader’s attention with a dark, tortured hero surrounded by mystery and an equally mysterious heroine hoping to find protection as his bride. Each of these characters is surrounded and driven by dark deeds and painful secret...
Even though nothing else had occurred after Andreus took her body in his mouth, her blood still hummed. Shivers skated along her spine. She glanced at him sleeping. His chest rose and fell evenly, his eyelids fluttered. She scanned the length of him. The brawny shoulders and arms, perfect for swi...
He tried to find the most secluded spot he could before taking out his Transmitter and tapping in the code. Within seconds, they stumbled on the ground next to the house. Its brightly colored paint mocked his distress. His family’s demise seemed to loom before him like the long shadows of the tr...