I hope you enjoyed meeting Sean and Brynn or maybe becoming reacquainted with them from previous stories. Independent publishing has given me the freedom to do some experimental storytelling, so I hope you’re on board! I know the story is on the shorter side, but it is meant to be. Readers consis...
The excitement in her voice was unmistakable, particularly when paired with the wave of enthusiasm that rolled off her skin with the force of a rock slide. He’d given her a great gift in agreeing to her plan—but at what cost to him? He’d already paid so much. He’d lost Sarina. He’d lost Irika. He...
Ben warned. “I’ve dealt with dangerous women before,” Paschal assured him, though his voice was weak and his face pale. Sitting at his father’s bedside, Ben had watched a veil of advanced age unfurl over his father’s usually robust body. The aftereffects of Paschal’s psychic episode, brought on b...
I’VE come for you—and only you.” With the whispered threat came the clamp of a man’s gloved hand on the back of Claire Lécuyer’s neck. She commanded herself not to flinch or alter her features, which she’d schooled into relaxed amusement. She’d entered this crowded ballroom of her own free will a...
a voice warned, startling Alexa so that she nearly lost her balance on the dock. She spun to find her stepbrother standing behind her, his walnut leather duffel bag slung over his shoulder while he puffed on a Dunhill cigarette. “What are you doing here?” “The problem in Boston was resolved,” he ...
Loud and clear. But no matter how she’d anticipated the direction of this discussion, he couldn’t change his mind. He’d thought long and hard about their relationship over the weekend and had made his decision. Not that it had been easy. He did not doubt that Anne was a remarkable woman. Funny. S...