This exciting action-adventure for young adults continues the story of the Spanish contribution to the American Revolution In his last adventure, Lorenzo Bannister swept across the southern colonies of England and Spain, from the teeming ports of New Orleans to the fertile plantations of Virginia...
“It is an honor to meet you, sir.” Dickson acknowledged him with a barely perceptible nod and gestured for him to take a seat. Lorenzo eased into a well-padded, red velvet chair and did a quick scan of the room. Eugenie would have called the gilt mirror, hanging tapestry, and statue of a Roman go...
The colonel’s eyes were sad. “I am sorry to see you go, Lorenzo.” He pulled me to him in a Spanish-style embrace, then pushed back. “No one place is better than another. If your heart is right, you can be happy anywhere.” “I hope everything works out with your grandfather,” Eugenie said. “If it d...