Title - La Cucina: A Novel of RaptureAuthor - Lily PriorSummary - This is the tale of Rosa Fiore, a peasant Sicilian girl who grows up in a passionate household and who in her way finds her own passions. From the men she loves to the cooking she does. Rosa's family has always been suspect in...
Freda Lippi comes home one afternoon to find her apartment overrun by the police and her ventriloquist husband, Alberto, his dummy, and her parrot, Pierino, gone without trace. Though distraught about Pierino, her true soul mate, Freda feels nothing short of exaltation at the thought that the hu...
Magical Realism - 4.5 starsAnother highly entertaining, amazing fairy tale-like story from the wonderful Lily Prior. Among her novels is LaCucina -- I've read every one of her books. She's a huge favorite of mine because of writing like this:Ardor opens with our heroine, Fernanda Ponderosa, sit...