After witnessing a brutal crime, Madeleine Carter escapes her high-velocity New York City life for the laid-back atmosphere of Los Angeles. One night she runs into an old boyfriend, now a high-powered CEO, who lets her in on a great investment opportunity. But soon she discovers that the stock is...
While the ice-pick thing was huge, I’d promised Itani I wouldn’t use it for three days. That meant that in three days I’d have an exclusive on the ice pick. This was a byline there was no way Brent was going to wrangle from me. But I didn’t think one story would be enough. I needed to make such a...
I wouldn’t have liked to spend the nickel, but forced to go down all those stairs on foot, I would have been a danger to myself and others. There was no sign of Dex at the office. It wasn’t a surprise but it was a question. Dex was always late. It made me wonder what he did in the morning when he...
I woke each day at five-forty-five, put on the coffee and went for a run. Invariably, Tycho — an earlier riser than his family — joined me as we pounded up and down the canyons, the fresh sea air putting a lie to the dirty metropolis just a few miles down the coast. By six-fifteen, Tycho and I we...
I didn’t know where Dex was but I figured that, like most days, I’d be lucky to see him before eleven. Not long after I got to the office, I finally managed to get Xander Dean on the phone. He answered himself with a crisp “Hullo.” I explained that Dex was requesting a meeting and we sewed one up...