Magnus counted two towers and twenty banners, two jetties and three floors, a great hall, two kitchens and a bath house. Plenty of laundresses here. “How can this lord want more?” Elfrida whispered. His generous wench did not understand greed. “What kind of manners will they have?” she went on. “...
Once there had been talk of marriage between her and David, a wedding that would have made her blissful with joy. But times had changed and alliances, too. David's family supported the house of Lancaster and her kindred the royal house of York. Henry Tudor had wrested the crown from King Richard ...
Her thighs and groin pressed closely against the pommel and his long, powerful thighs and boulder-hard belly were tight against her back and rump. She could feel his arousal and was savagely pleased that he too suffered. “Tell me your name,” he said as each jolting step of the horse shivered up a...
He called on the disreputable pair, deliberately choosing a time close to noon, when the rest of Decimus’ hangers-on and barrack-servants would have wandered off to have a meal, or to go to work, or the games, or whatever such creatures did. He was hoping to speak to Corin...
She cannot break free!” Shading her eyes, Alyson bit down on the rejoinder that he should not have been flying the merlin while they were traveling and reached across their horses to seize Guillelm’s arm. “You cannot scramble up there,” she warned. “That halfrotten tree will not take your weight....
Sitting at her now-accustomed place on the dais, she started forward, then, at a tiny warning flick of his arm, she disguised her shock with a wide yawn. “She grows weary of you, man!” jeered Gregory Denzil, saying it twice so she understood. Elfrida pressed her tongue hard into the roof of her m...