Con Viaje al fin de la noche, Céline se situó en una posición de privilegio en las letras francesas, de la que ninguna consideración extraliteraria lograría desbancarlo. La prosa amarga y quebradiza de Céline, su característico ritmo acelerado, el lirismos descarnado con que construyó a sus perso...
. . better go find a hotel! this city has suffered all right . . . all those holes, those exploded streets! . . . funny, you don t hear any planes . . . aren't they interested in Berlin any more? . . . I didn't get it, but little by little I caught on . . . the city was all stage sets . . . whole...
I'd never said a word. Not one word. It was Arthur Ganate[3] that made me speak up. Arthur was a friend from med school. So we meet on the Place Clichy. It was after breakfast. He wants to talk to me. I listen. "Not out here," he says. "Let's go in." We go in. And there we were. "This terrace," h...