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Lovegrove, James books

Lovegrove, James
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Read Books by Lovegrove, James


Sherlock Holmes - The Stuff of Nightmares

The storm had passed, the rain had ceased, and a pewter-grey sky hung above the city, the sun valiantly attempting to peek through the overcast. With us was Inspector Lestrade and one of his sergeants, a certain Bryant. At our feet lay a corpse. The body was that of a flaxen-haired woman known to...

Sherlock Holmes - The Stuff of Nightmares by Lovegrove, James

Age of Shiva (The Pantheon Series)

MCDUNN’S TAVERN     WE LEGGED IT back to the antechamber, where the Avatars were already up on their feet and preparing to move. They might not have known exactly what the alarms signified, but anything making that raucous a racket was clearly not summoning people to dinner or prayer. The rumbles...

Age of Shiva (The Pantheon Series) by Lovegrove, James

World of Fire (Dev Harmer 01)

On, across a world of fire.     The ground pulsed like flame. The air was a hazy, smoky yellow. There were no shadows any more, other than the faint, fluctuating silhouettes their bodies cast on the ground ahead of them. There was mostly just brightness, a range of lambent hue...

World of Fire (Dev Harmer 01) by Lovegrove, James

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