What a thrilling read! Lucy Christopher has written yet another absorbing page turner (Stolen was brilliant btw)The Killing Woods unravels a local tragedy where a promising school girl turns up dead in a forest; Emily's dad brings the girl’s body home on a stormy night - one typical to set off hi...
Granddad doesn't turn to acknowledge her and she doesn't say anything to him either. Instead she finds an old coat, spreads it out next to me and sits down. Her eyes slowly take in the whole big wingspan of the swan. ‘Jack said you were making something for school,’ she sa...
Copyright You saw me before I saw you. You saw me before I saw you. In the airport, that day in August, you had that look in your eyes, as though you wanted something from me, as though you’d wanted it for a long time. No one had ever looked at me like that before, with that kind of intensity....
No sound, nothing. How many times have I done this same sort of thing with Dad, searching for him in the dark? ‘Damon, are you here?’ I jump down. In the dimness I see the same candle stub still burnt to the same level, the old lamp where I left it. I guess my theory was w...