Kiki had called ahead, and no sooner were they all inside than the owner, Drew Davis, came waddling over like Scrooge McDuck. He was a grizzled old man with white hair that stood on end as if it were shocked to see he was still alive. He had an animated face with mischievous eyes, a nose like a w...
Amun Chalthoum said with evident disgust. He was staring down at the young man Soraya had fished out of the Red Sea after he’d jumped overboard to escape her questioning. They were in one of the shipboard cabins provided for them by the owner of the dive shop, a narrow, fo...
The truth was he was sick to death of all the double-dealing, disinformation, obfuscation, and outright lies that came so easily to him. And that, of course, was what he despised most of all—that all the artifice was second nature to him now, ingrained like the whorls of his fingerprints or the p...
Soraya took several steps toward him, peering into the gloom. “He’s not your pool boy,” Arkadin said. “That’s clear enough.” She said nothing, knowing that he had begun to bait her in order to gain information. This, in itself, was a hopeful sign, i...
The DCI waved to Karim, who stood in the doorway to his inner sanctum. “I’m glad Anne caught you.” Karim took the long walk to the chair in front of the DCI’s immense desk. The walk reminded him of the gauntlet of rock throwers a Bedouin traitor was forced to tread. If he ...