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M. C. Beaton books

M. C. Beaton

Read Books by M. C. Beaton


The Constant Companion (1980)

And not only that, there was a letter for her! Constance broke the unfamiliar seal and crackled open the parchment. She scanned it briefly and then began to read it more closely. It was from her late aunt, Miss Lamberton’s heir, a Mr. Nicholas Barrington. “Dear Miss Lamberton,” she read. “I am se...

The Constant Companion (1980) by M. C. Beaton

Death of a Gentle Lady (2008)

—William Shakespeare Back at the castle, Anna met the members of the family. Andrew Gentle was furious. “We have been questioned and questioned. I do not feel like going over it again.” The drawing room in which the members of the family were gathered was cold. Outside the narrow windows, the sun...

Death of a Gentle Lady (2008) by M. C. Beaton

Agatha Raisin and the Terrible Tourist

She had been dreading meeting George, but this time, only she and Charles were in the waiting room. Not Pamir, but another detective took down Agatha's statement. When she had finished, Agatha asked, "Has Mrs. Debenham's body been found yet?" "Mrs. Debenham was found, yes, still alive, just. She ...

Agatha Raisin and the Terrible Tourist by M. C. Beaton

Dishing the Dirt

He took out his mobile phone and dialled Ruby’s number. It went straight to voice mail. “We’ve made a big discovery at Jill’s cottage,” said Simon. “If you want to hear about it, call me back.” He leaned against his car and waited. A sudden brisk breeze rustled through the leaves of the lilac tre...

Dishing the Dirt by M. C. Beaton

To Dream of Love

For that spring was to be the turning point in her young life. Harriet lived a life of genteel poverty in a large, rambling house on the outskirts of the village of Lower Maxton in the county of Brent. The house was all that was left of the once great Clifton fortune. Her father, Mr. James Clifto...

To Dream of Love by M. C. Beaton

Death of a Policeman (2014)

—J. C. Squire In the following weeks, Hamish began to feel they would never get anywhere.     Before, he had experienced an intuitive feeling that his life might be in danger, but now, even that feeling had gone. He had forgotten all about the awards ceremony until reminded by...

Death of a Policeman (2014) by M. C. Beaton

The Quiche of Death (2007)

There were no gardens at the front of these houses, only narrow strips of earth which held a few flowers.     The door was answered late the next morning to Agatha's knock by a woman whom Agatha's beady eyes summed up as being the same sort of species of ex-patriot as Mrs. Bar...

The Quiche of Death (2007) by M. C. Beaton

Pushing Up Daisies

The detective agency was above a dress shop. A small girl with pink hair and long pink nails sat in the reception area reading a film magazine which she reluctantly put down. “We would like to see Mr. Atkins,” said Agatha. “Ain’t one.” “What! Who’s in charge here?” “Mrs. Atkins, that’s what.” “Ar...

Pushing Up Daisies by M. C. Beaton

The Dreadful Debutante

Diggs began to think he would never receive the second half of that payment.  There was nothing to report.  The marquess was seen out driving with various ladies, including Lady Jansen. He did not take Mira driving once.  Mira Markham appeared everything that was correct. She went out several tim...

The Dreadful Debutante by M. C. Beaton

Death of a Liar (2015)

Upon my soul you mustn’t come into the place saying you want to know, you know.     —Charles Dickens “I hope she gets rabies shots, the silly cow,” said Jimmy as he and Hamish sat outside the hospital room where Samantha Trent lay, waiting for permission to speak to her.“Shoul...

Death of a Liar (2015) by M. C. Beaton

A Spoonful of Poison (2008)

Because of previous successes, she was often given work for women who wanted to make sure their husbands were not having affairs. Jimmy Wilson strolled in. “Evening, babes,” he said. “Fancy a pint?” “No, thanks,” said Toni. “Not tonight.” Jimmy was chubby and somehow he seemed to fill the small o...

A Spoonful of Poison (2008) by M. C. Beaton

The Folly

—ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON MINERVA WENT OUT of the front door of Mannerling, her eyes narrowing as she saw Rachel, Charles, and the children approaching her across the lawns, looking like a family party. She pinned a smile on her face. She would need to appear all that was amiable, she would need to ...

The Folly by M. C. Beaton

Yvonne Goes to York

Sir John Vanbrugh Hannah lay in bed awake and listened to the early-morning silence of Hadley Hall. She had been so sure that sleep would come immediately that she had eagerly fallen in with the marquis’s suggestion that she and Yvonne should retire to bed, after Yvonne had written that letter to...

Yvonne Goes to York by M. C. Beaton

Emily Goes to Exeter (2010)

Ralph Waldo Emerson The Blue Room was comfortable and well appointed, with low rafters, chintz curtains at the window, and cheerful chintz hangings on the bed. A fire burnt brightly in the small hearth. There were two easy chairs in front of the fire, and it was into one of these chairs that Hann...

Emily Goes to Exeter (2010) by M. C. Beaton

Agatha Raisin: Hell's Bells

She was a great manager. She ran charity boot car sales, dances at the bowling club, read to the elderly and any other do-good thing she could think of. Although in her late forties, she considered herself – like Miss Jean Brodie – to be in her prime. She had curly brown hair, a figure rigorously...

Agatha Raisin: Hell's Bells by M. C. Beaton

Sick of Shadows

Lady Rose and Daisy had been escorted home by Detective Superintendent Kerridge and Inspector Judd. The earl and countess were awakened to this dire news. They were told that the superintendent would return as soon as possible to interview Rose. What on earth had their daughter been up to now?Ker...

Sick of Shadows by M. C. Beaton

The Viscount's Revenge (The Royal Ambition Series Book 4)

To her irritation, Richard was so excited, he did not even seem to notice.  Lord Hawksborough told Amanda to put on her warmest clothes because they would be riding in an open carriage. Mathers, the maid, was miraculously on hand to help her into a blue velvet carriage costume and a Cardinal mant...

The Viscount's Revenge (The Royal Ambition Series Book 4) by M. C. Beaton

Death of a Nurse

Her name was Annie Eskdale. She was a very small woman wearing an old-fashioned wraparound pinafore over a faded T-shirt and tracksuit bottoms. Although in her thirties, discontent had marred her face with early wrinkles. Her eyes were small and radiating suspicion. The council house she lived in...

Death of a Nurse by M. C. Beaton

Agatha Raisin and the Witch of Wyckhadden

said the colonel after lunch. Mary was lying down in her room being ministered to by Jennifer. “I know,” said Agatha. “I tried to phone Jimmy.” Agatha was beginning to wonder why Harry had gone out of his way to make his snow figure so much like Francie. And why had he such ability? “Thought that...

Agatha Raisin and the Witch of Wyckhadden by M. C. Beaton

Agatha Raisin and The Potted Gardener

She could not hold out against Mary’s friendliness, and although James had not repeated his dinner invitation, Agatha felt she no longer had any grounds for silly jealousy. And then a series of crimes happened, which was to initially draw the villagers together and then drive them apart, as suspi...

Agatha Raisin and The Potted Gardener by M. C. Beaton

The Romance

Jones, ‘and please Send me the half that’s got my keys.’ —HARRY GRAHAM Mrs. Ingram could not sleep because she was suddenly very hungry. She had eaten very little at dinner because that was the fashion. Ladies were supposed to pick at their food. It was two in the morning. Always considerate of s...

The Romance by M. C. Beaton

The Blood of an Englishman

I smell the blood of an Englishman.” As the giant ogre in the Winter Parva pantomime strutted across the stage, uttering the old familiar words, Agatha Raisin stifled a yawn. She loathed amateur dramatics, but had been persuaded to support the pantomime by her friend, Mrs. Bloxby, the vicar’s wif...

The Blood of an Englishman by M. C. Beaton

The Homecoming

—GEORGE CRABBE PERHAPS GERALD WOULD have given up any idea of pursuing Tiffin had not his parents given him a lecture before he went down to dinner. Mrs. Parkes had sustained a call from Peter Bond. Peter had politely called to ask if everything was to their pleasure but had then gone on to tell ...

The Homecoming by M. C. Beaton

Penelope Goes to Portsmouth

William Shakespeare Mr Wilkins had a busy morning telling friends and acquaintances all over Portsmouth that his daughter was about to become wed to Lord Augustus. He even remembered to tell his wife. Then he decided to go to one of his shops and check the stock, always mindful that he had a busi...

Penelope Goes to Portsmouth by M. C. Beaton

Death of a Witch (2009)

He stopped for a moment by the side of the road and rolled down the car window. He was driving a battered old Rover, manufactured before the days of power steering and electronic windows.Hamish breathed in all the familiar scents of the Scottish Highlands: peat smoke, wild thyme, pine, and salt a...

Death of a Witch (2009) by M. C. Beaton

Agatha Raisin and Kissing Christmas Goodbye

Alison said she would be there in an hour’s time.     Agatha decided her staff should work on other cases. Toni was sent in search of a missing teenager. She did not tell Agatha anything about the coming Saturday night. She was sure Agatha would refuse to let her go.  &nb...

Agatha Raisin and Kissing Christmas Goodbye by M. C. Beaton

Death of Yesterday

—Petrarch A month went past after the arrest of the Palfours. Hamish haunted Cnothan, questioning and questioning, hoping always to find someone who would admit to having seen anything of importance. He could only be glad that Hannah had left for Glasgow. He felt ashamed of his reaction to her fa...

Death of Yesterday by M. C. Beaton

Lady Anne's Deception (The Changing Fortunes Series Book 4)

Aunt Agatha had never married. She had told so many people that she, Agatha, had been a great beauty in her youth that she had almost begun to believe it herself. She liked to hint at a great romance and a subsequent broken heart. She enameled her face white and painted red circles on her cheeks....

Lady Anne's Deception (The Changing Fortunes Series Book 4) by M. C. Beaton

Sir Philip's Folly (The Poor Relation Series Book 4)

—WILLIAM CONGREVE Sir Philip felt uneasy next day. Something was going on, something that excluded him. Miss Tonks had told him of the plan to crop Arabella’s hair and Lady Fortescue informed him that the Dessops had been about to leave without settling their bill but that Colonel Sandhurst had h...

Sir Philip's Folly (The Poor Relation Series Book 4) by M. C. Beaton

Hasty Death

Sir Theodore Martin Detective Superintendent Kerridge found he was looking forward to meeting Lady Rose again. After he had received her telephone call, he had in turn phoned Captain Cathcart. It pleased him to think they would all be together again, as they had been during that investigation the...

Hasty Death by M. C. Beaton

Agatha's First Case

Bertha sat nervously in an armchair facing them, her plump face lit up by the lights from the television cameras. Bertha tried to speak and then burst into tears. Agatha handed her a box of tissues and hissed, “Pull yourself together!” Bertha gulped and said in a weak voice, “I’m that ashamed. Ho...

Agatha's First Case by M. C. Beaton

Banishment (Daughters of Mannerling 1)

The weather during the preceding week had been rainy and unseasonably cold, but the sun had started to shine again and Isabella, after consulting her mother, decided that a further acquaintance with the viscount could be used to advantage. ‘Perhaps I have been too stiff and cold with the gentleme...

Banishment (Daughters of Mannerling 1) by M. C. Beaton

The Chocolate Debutante

The fact that her sister, Mrs. Colville, said she was dangerously ill did not distress Harriet. Mary Colville was always ill with some imaginary illness or another. What did upset her was that her sister was begging her to bring her daughter, Susan, out at the forthcoming Season.  To refuse, as t...

The Chocolate Debutante by M. C. Beaton

Belinda Goes to Bath (2010)

Anonymous Belinda looked at the little gilt clock on the mantel which was flanked by a shepherd and shepherdess. Midnight!     Surely he would come.     She bit her lip remembering the conversation she had had with Hannah Pym before that lady retired for th...

Belinda Goes to Bath (2010) by M. C. Beaton

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