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M. R. Cornelius books

M. R. Cornelius
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Read Books by M. R. Cornelius


The Ups and Downs of Being Dead

A doorman wearing a deep burgundy waistcoat with gold braided epaulets jerked open the glass door and a woman carrying a briefcase burst out onto the street. Immediately, the doorman dashed to the curb, tweeting the whistle around his neck. A cab swooped over, and the woman was in and gone in sec...

The Ups and Downs of Being Dead by M. R. Cornelius


He could hear her rustling around, but she had her back to him, so he couldn’t see what she was doing.A few minutes later, the aroma of food filled the van. Damn, what he wouldn’t do for a nice plate of beef stew. When he was fixing that meatloaf for Mountain Boy and his first cousin, he’d been t...

H10N1 by M. R. Cornelius

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