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MacMillan, Gail books

MacMillan, Gail
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Read Books by MacMillan, Gail


Rogue's Revenge

Sunlight filtered through the tent to fall in a warming bath over her face. Freeing her arms from her sleeping bag, she stretched them above her head and drew a deep breath of crisp, clear air, a sense of contentment engulfing her. She pulled herself up onto one elbow to look over to where Heath ...

Rogue's Revenge by MacMillan, Gail

Counterfeit Cowboy

Travis slammed into the kitchen and flung his baseball cap onto a peg by the door. “Damn it, damn it, damn it!” “What’s wrong?” Shelby turned from where she’d been preparing supper at the stove to face her furious brother, and Jordan stopped short in getting a glass of water at the sink. He’d nev...

Counterfeit Cowboy by MacMillan, Gail

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