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Maddy Edwards books

Maddy Edwards
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Read Books by Maddy Edwards


Paranormal Public (2000)

Charlotte is such a fun character to read about, her little brother Ricky and her have a sweet and endearing relationship. I found this a easy and engaging book to read. The characters were clear and well developed. I loved Sip and especially loved lisabeth, nothing like a dark Mage with a sarcas...

Paranormal Public (2000) by Maddy Edwards

One Black Rose (2000)

Autumn is the perfect name for the main character of this book. I really like how throughout the story Autumn has kept being herself & doing what she wanted to do even though the easy path was deny her feelings & do what others wanted her to. Autumn is stronger than she realizes. In the beginnin...

One Black Rose (2000) by Maddy Edwards

Elemental Rising (2000)

I want to love these books and be able to give them a 4- or 5-star rating. They are so close to being fantastic - they have an interesting plot with engaging characters and enough mystery to keep readers enthralled. However they are in need of a strong editor who can catch some minor mistakes (c...

Elemental Rising (2000) by Maddy Edwards

Elemental Darkness (2013)

Book eight in the Paranormal Public series! Charlotte is devastated by the events of last spring, and the last thing she wants to do is return to Paranormal Public for her senior year as if nothing has happened. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a choice. As she and her friends fight to find out wh...

Elemental Darkness (2013) by Maddy Edwards

Elemental Omen (Paranormal Public Book 10)

All I could see in any direction was barren land, dotted with a few shrubs here and there. But I had spent enough time with Charlotte and her friends to know that appearances were deceiving.     “Over here,” said Lisabelle. She led us to one of the shrubs, and beneath it I saw...

Elemental Omen (Paranormal Public Book 10) by Maddy Edwards

Elemental Light (Paranormal Public Book 9)

Designs       This novel is a work of fiction in which names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is completely coincidental.         License Notes   Thank you f...

Elemental Light (Paranormal Public Book 9) by Maddy Edwards

Elemental Fate (Paranormal Public Book 12)

Now we were waiting for the dream giver, Professor Rooks, to come. The class consisted of familiar faces. Fog and Frances were there, as were Hannah and Candace. Greek wasn’t there and neither was Averett, but Matthew was. He was so big that the seat next to him had to be left empty, and he stare...

Elemental Fate (Paranormal Public Book 12) by Maddy Edwards

Elemental Havoc (Paranormal Public Book 11)

Rake was so happy to be rid of him, he didn’t even make a sarcastic comment. The big vampire then took us in hand and headed straight to Public.     We had no trouble using our TPs to get into the grounds. One of the new features of the reopened university was a fence that ran...

Elemental Havoc (Paranormal Public Book 11) by Maddy Edwards

Elemental Fire

A dim voice called, but I was too groggy to respond. Instead I flailed, asking for peace. I just wanted to sleep. “Charlotte? It’s time to wake up. You’re going to miss ‘Magical Murders that go Undetected but Should Not.’” I snorted and covered my ears. “Arrghhggga oonnnndd,” I responded. Feeling...

Elemental Fire by Maddy Edwards

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