“Your bedroom is such a mess, Jonny Smith,” she said. “I could hardly walk across the floor. You must tidy it up when you come home from school.” “OK,” I sighed. It would take a while. I’m just not a very tidy person. Unlike Miss Violet King, who lives at number 57 Weird Street. Her house always ...
That’s what’s happened,” said Mr Tipp gloomily, when Sara, Surinder and I went over on Saturday. “Shortly after you left the other day, a silver car pulled up and Mr Gripe from the council knocked on my door. ‘That figure on your roof is dangerous’, he said. ‘It might fall and hurt someone. It mu...
said Dad, when I got home. “Mum didn’t have time. Gran’s poorly so she’s gone over to see her.” “Oh no!” I groaned. Pushing Ellie’s pram around was so uncool. But, with Dad out of action, there was nothing else for it. Ellie stopped chewing the ear of her pink rabbit just long enough for me to pu...