Mark T. Sullivan's "The Purification Ceremony" focuses on Diana Jackman, a woman of Native American ancestry who has separated from her husband and family in the wake of her estranged father's suicide. His death re-awakens long-suppressed emotional issues for Diana, and, in a bid to reconnect wi...
Jack Farrell has stumbled into a deal too good to be true. Rising swiftly from a low-level loan officer in Chicago to a successful investment banker in California representing the interests of a Central American entrepreneur, Farrell blinds himself to what he is really doing — laundering money fo...
Stubbins’ mottled hands shook with anticipation as his wife, Cornelia, lit the cigarette, then held it to his lips. Stubbins placed his fingers over a hollow nub of plastic that jutted from a stoma at his trachea. The cigarette tip sparked and ran. Blue smoke trickled out of the plastic nub. ‘Ano...