Daddy, I'm hungry!' Little Jace, fractious now and beyond comforting, beat her father's shoulder with one small fist, clinging to him with the other. Galry, mercifully, was asleep on Leth's other shoulder. Leth, too, was not impervious to the gnawing hunger in his belly...
Much of the land surrounding the village had been cleared and set to arable and pasture, enabling the villagers to sustain a modest lifestyle. Arriving in Little Sprike, Leth sought out and found the farmer Jalibir without difficulty. A leather-skinned, ruddy-cheeked ma...
They were querulous and imploring, reproachful and splenetic. 'You have used us!' 'This is not part of our arrangement!' 'We demand an end to this! We demand that you release us!' 'It is past time you let us go!' Urch-Malmain twitched his bent body indignant...
One of the two prisoners the Karai had hung upon frames, the man who had taken an arrow in the thigh after Issul cut him down, had lacked the strength to survive the shock. The other, whose name was Aurfusk, seemed to be recovering, though he still lacked use of his hands.  ...
At the great city-castle of Enchantment's Reach the Karai siege endured. Prince Anzejarl's bristling cordon had tightened about the base of the soaring scarp. Karai troops were positioned in strength on all sides. Some occupied fortified pockets on areas of the scarp itself, in clear view but ...