This grisly, terrifying thriller follows CID Agents George Sueño and Ernie Bascom across the Korean Peninsula in their search for a lost artifact South Korea, 1970s: Retired Army officer Herman Burkowicz has quite a lucrative setup smuggling rare Korean artifacts. But then his nine-year-old foste...
In this sequel to New York Times Notable Book Jade Lady Burning, a pair of American military cops come up against major gang culture in South Korea’s back alleys. George Sueño and his partner Ernie Bascom thought they’d seen it all, but nothing could prepare them for the Slicky Boys. They’re ev...
George Suenos and Ernie Bascom, investigators for the 8th U.S. Army’s Criminal Investigation Division, are assigned to a joint investigation with the Korean National Police when a young prostitute is brutally murdered and her apartment torched.Suspects are as prevalent as the scent of kimchi on t...
Praise for Martin Limón: “It’s great to have these two mavericks back. . . . Mr. Limón writes with . . . wonderful, bleak humor, edged in pain, about GI life.”—The New York Times Book Review “Limón’s crisp, clear storytelling opens a door to another world and leaves one hoping the next installmen...
A person can consider himself to be undergoing torture simply by being denied something he craves. Cigarettes for a smoker. Caffeine for a coffee drinker. Take me for instance. I started drinking coffee during my first tour in Korea in the middle of the frigid winter. Now it’s a habit. Every day ...