It’s obvious, but I can understand why Patrick is hesitant. I wish he would spell out the concerns we all must feel. Every time I think that someone is stepping up to act like a leader they disappoint me. Sure, we’re a team and a group and we all have valuable data points ...
It’s rumbling toward us from the same direction I came into Cleveland Circle. I wonder if Cupcake would have rolled right past me, or over me, if I had been on the street. In the time it takes me and blue oxford to walk to the restaurant, Cupcake pulls up and parks. I can ...
We all get a stern lecture about communicating. Sofie is spared a little bit, but Dad makes it pretty clear that if she is going to stay with us she will be held to the same standard. I am a little surprised at how she handles him. She offers a simple, honest apology and an acknowledgement that t...
None of them are wearing a uniform and their weapons are less organized than the earlier men. In fact, I think one of them is carrying a hockey stick. I can’t figure out their movements or strategy. Driving around the block once seemed smart. Parking and walking backwards down the street was a le...
I alternate being totally pissed at him with fearing for his well-being and happiness. Right now I am on the angry side of that dichotomy. We are hundreds of light years from home on a strange planet and he ditched me in the woods. What’s worse is he’s not just goofing off, there was potentially ...
For a while I thought I would crash. Then at about two a.m. Sofie stopped by with coffee. It was great to see her and we spent the time drinking our coffee talking about nothing in particular. I wonder if that was what it would be like to go to college. Work really hard on an assignment, pull an ...
After more than an hour of answering questions from an overzealous rookie EMT who tried to diagnose everything from a concussion to PTSD, he had gone home. Montana was waiting patiently in the cab of the truck and wagged his tail when their eyes met. Both owner and dog enj...