The air conditioner churned noisily behind the walls, and a vent above his bed kept a steady chill blowing down on him. He shivered, drawing himself up into a ball. He tried to remember what it was like that morning in his sophomore year when he left that senior from Gatlin at the edge of the pin...
Jacob stared at Casey and Casey back at him, over a distance of perhaps a hundred yards. And then Casey let out an earsplitting rebel yell and charged. “Ah, Jacob,” Nick said. “Ride!” Jacob said, and they wheeled their horses as one and charged toward the dead town of Malden. In the early morning...
It had a Wal-Mart, a movie theater, a couple of motels, and a string of fast food restaurants and gas stations clustered around an exit ramp off IH-10. Its survival depended on the traffic flowing between San Antonio and Houston, and so the town had grown up in pretty much equal measure on both s...
She hit the water hard and went under. The next instant there were hands all over her and she screamed, slapping them away. She spun around, teeth clenched, fists raised, and barely recognizing the faces of her battered husband and her daughter as they grabbed at her.“Behind you, Mom!”Eleanor tur...
It wasn’t anything as organized as a diary, more a collection of random thoughts and feelings, and sometimes news clippings. But peppered throughout the entries were little flashes of inspiration, things I thought were as powerful as a wildfire, and just as temporary. I felt I had to put them dow...
Thom said. He pointed toward the house with the hand holding his martini. “Right through there. You go in through the kitchen, take a right, and the bathroom’s down at the end of the hall. Can’t miss it. There’s one of those Mayan calendar wheel thingies on the wall right next to the door.”  ...