Right? I mean, who is to say that being together would harm our chances at winning? Maybe it would help!” I exclaim with a bright smile. “Let’s just go with the flow. Whadaya say?” I wrinkle my nose at myself in the mirror. No, he won’t know what go with the flow means, an...
Myra had given her directions, and unlike in Chicago, just about everything in Cricket Creek was within reasonable walking distance. Still, she was in a hurry and a car would have been nice right about now . . . and of course flagging a passing cab wasn’t an option. Adding to her discomfort, the ...
Working on Sunday wasn’t his favorite thing to do, but normally he just sucked it up and dealt with it, especially in lean times like these. Not today, though. Today, what he really wanted to be doing was spending some time with Madison, maybe a long drive through the countryside or four-wheeling...