In the story No Bears, it follows a young girl telling her own story. She refuses to have bears in her story because she says bears ruin stories. As she goes about telling her story and incorporating fairy tales and being humorous in the background of the illustrations there is always a bear. The...
The house had settled on a grassy oval next to a sports centre. Outside, people ran up and down, doing exercises and lifting weights; others swam laps in a pool. Whistles blew and timers buzzed. The sharp smell of chlorine drifted in on the breeze. The day after that, they were in another park. A...
And I went for a swim. With Liam. When I got to the lake, he was already there. He had hauled the raft out from behind the tree and was leaning over it, pulling the broken bits off and tying fresh branches on with new string. “I thought I could take it out,” he said. “Stop you from drowning and a...
“Yep.” Mum and Hannah were at the kitchen table, staring at the screen of Hannah’s laptop. Dad was in the studio with the door closed, which meant one of two things – either he was doing fine-detail work on his plates and didn’t want to be interrupted, or he was working on one of his wacky heads ...
And that cloak. It hardly becomes you.” Berta sighed heavily. “I feared this might happen. What happened to the girl was difficult, but you cannot take things into your own hands. They will have enough if they are careful. If the rock allows it.” Jena’s thoughts reeled. Berta thought they were he...