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Meghan March books

Meghan March
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Read Books by Meghan March


Beneath This Mask (2014)

Another great read!!I am off to a great start this year!! Loved the idea of our feisty herione changing everything about herself then falling for the sort of boy she would've dated from her past.I loved our beautiful tatted herione. My heart really went out to her. she fell for the hero so hard s...

Beneath This Mask (2014) by Meghan March

Dirty Billionaire (2015)

I've got a big dick and an even bigger bank account. That's pretty much where my bio ends. Honestly, I don't need to say anything else. I've just sold 99% of women on going home with me. Do I sound like an asshole to you?That's because I am.And guess what? It works for me just fine. Or at least i...

Dirty Billionaire (2015) by Meghan March

Beneath These Lies

And when the live subject was Rix . . . it seemed that all bets were off on my ability to concentrate. It took me forever to mix my paints. I agonized over how much and which shades, and could feel his stare resting on me like a heavy weight. “Nervous, duchess?” I dropped another tube of paint. W...

Beneath These Lies by Meghan March

Bad Judgment

Because I know I am. This guy got his A. Now I get the girl. I stare down at my phone, and I know what he’s talking about. My heart hammers and my stomach flip-flops. Babcock was late posting the grades and I’ve been hitting refresh all day like a crazy person. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I made m...

Bad Judgment by Meghan March

Flash Bang

“G-man, I think your pretty little chick has flown the coop.” Graham jerked his head away from the wiring diagram he’d been studying and reached for his radio. “Say again?” “I’ve got a bead on a half-naked girl just outside the wall pretending to be a mermaid.” “What the fuck are you talking abou...

Flash Bang by Meghan March

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