This is a sweet, not overly so, introduction to what might be a nice series. Dex and Rachel had kind of loved each other for many years. However, Rachel was expected to go to College, not just get married. And Dex, having given up on marrying anyone from town, figured mail order brides were the o...
Mrs. Hampden put Kate’s three spools of thread into a small brown sack.“A job.” She forced herself to look the mercantile owner’s wife in the eye—to make it harder for the woman to say no again.“I’m sorry, but I still haven’t need of you. My children are old enough to do most anything I need done...
Quarter to five. He walked past the aisles to see if he’d missed a customer, but the store was still empty, as it’d been for the last two hours.He hung his hammer on the storage room wall. The people in this town should be done shunning him because of Axel. If he’d been implicated in his friend’s...
It’s a shame to put it up.” Mama glided into Lydia’s bedroom like a ghost, though the scent of her homemade rose soap proved she still lived. Sarah King’s slow smile transformed her haggard face a tiny bit—but not enough. She took Lydia’s comb and a handful of her daughter’s hair and threaded her...
Of course, she probably didn’t notice through all the fabric and boning. She looked him in the eyes before she ducked her head and headed into the Stantons’ cabin. The incessant crying of little Rebecca ripped through the lifeless late-summer air. On her first day of life,...