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Michael Avallone books

Michael Avallone
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Read Books by Michael Avallone


The Thousand Coffins Affair (1993)

I read this/these when I was 13 or 14 years old (I've had an attack of nostalgia recently). I was a huge Man From U.N.C.L.E. fan, belonged to the fan club, had posters, I.D.card (for the fan club and of course a U.N.C.L.E. card [LOL:]), I built the scale modes of Napoleon and Illya (how many reme...

The Thousand Coffins Affair (1993) by Michael Avallone

Beneath The Planet of The Apes (1970)

"Can the world exist half-ape and half-human?" Based upon characters created by Pierre Boulle. When it was discovered that the fantastic Planet of the Apes was their own Earth, it was only the beginning of the most incredible adventure of all time...

Beneath The Planet of The Apes (1970) by Michael Avallone

The Girl From U.N.C.L.E.: The Birds-Of-A-Feather Affair

April moved quickly. Before either of the three characters in the doorway had produced a weapon, she had whipped the redhead back, encircling the slender waist with her left arm. Her right hand snaked over the cashmered shoulder, shoving the automatic handbag front and center for all to see. &nbs...

The Girl From U.N.C.L.E.: The Birds-Of-A-Feather Affair by Michael Avallone

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