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Michael Chatfield books

Michael Chatfield
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Read Books by Michael Chatfield


Osdal (Harmony War Series Book 3)

There were powered armor-wearing fucks everywhere; the metal storm rifles weren’t that good at taking them down, but they took the Chosen bastards without armor just fine.     There weren’t many Troopers but they were deadly bastards, as Felicia was learning. They ran at the p...

Osdal (Harmony War Series Book 3) by Michael Chatfield

Sacremon (Harmony War Series Book 1)

We believe that most of the booby traps that we’ve encountered and the weapon systems deployed across the various cities were made in Processing,” Nerva said, jaws tightened and eyes looked on the new map with dark anger and respect in their eyes.                 If they made ...

Sacremon (Harmony War Series Book 1) by Michael Chatfield

Masoul (Harmony War Series Book 2)

Haas said.                   Jerome looked to the leftovers of his section. Ma, Obe and Ali waited on him, checking their guns.                   “Let’s go fuck some people’s days up,” Jerome said running to the nearest ladder using one hand and his feet he...

Masoul (Harmony War Series Book 2) by Michael Chatfield

The Recruitment: Rise of the Free Fleet

I said. He’d been waiting as a holographic projector fired up and a star system filled the area between us. Planets with little descriptions were highlighted. “This planet matches the projected one we saw in the hangar.” He zoomed into the planet. “I didn’t know we had access to sensors.” “We onl...

The Recruitment: Rise of the Free Fleet by Michael Chatfield

Free Fleet #03 No Rest for the Wicked

“Move!” she yelled as people hugged the walls.     Her first shift crew were already in their positions or trickling in after her.     “We have one Cruiser in system,” Jorvut said from the Sensor pit. Werv, Cheerleader's second-in-command was still making h...

Free Fleet #03 No Rest for the Wicked by Michael Chatfield

From Furies Forged (Free Fleet Book 5)

I want reports on everyone’s progress by the end of the day. Salhunda we need to get every carrier out there with two laser cannons. We’ve only got four left in storage and the super-freighter is going to be in demand very soon. How long is it going to get that factory of yours up and running?” S...

From Furies Forged (Free Fleet Book 5) by Michael Chatfield

Coming Home (Free Fleet Book 2)

Times the twenty warheads they're carrying, I thought as I issued orders, my inner nervousness as it computed the numbers hidden behind my mask.     “Alright, brace.”     I couldn’t do anything as missiles bared down on my ships; this was the weak point of ...

Coming Home (Free Fleet Book 2) by Michael Chatfield

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