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Michael Siemsen books

Michael Siemsen
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.12

Read Books by Michael Siemsen


The Opal (2000)

Very good sequel to "The Dig". I read with interest other reviewers were disappointed with this sequel, but I don't agree.Seems that the story and characters went in a direction they did not expect, and they found that they did not like that. I must admit the story had some plot twists that I did...

The Opal (2000) by Michael Siemsen

Return (Matt Turner Series Book 3)

Their very presence in the Library, in the elders’ eyes, bestowed undue legitimacy to their adherents. The fact that precious hours were spent translating such things, creating even more scrolls, seemed to highlight the undeniable fact that the Jews weren’t going anywhere, and that Christianity a...

Return (Matt Turner Series Book 3) by Michael Siemsen

The Dig

Nobody wanted to sleep, or perhaps they had felt guilty about doing so with Hank’s fate still unknown, but each had eventually succumbed to exhaustion and slipped away. The police had departed, and the soldiers had left only one platoon of men to resume the search after sunrise.    ...

The Dig by Michael Siemsen

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