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Michaela MacColl books

Michaela MacColl
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Read Books by Michaela MacColl


Prisoners in the Palace

Liza arrived at the covered porch, panting, carrying the Princess’s warmest cloak. Sir John handed the Duchess into her waiting carriage. The Princess’s face glowed with the excitement of having somewhere to go. As was her habit, the Baroness was scowling. “Liza, you’ve kept us waiting.” Liza bar...

Prisoners in the Palace by Michaela MacColl

Promise the Night

GMT, 4 September, 1936 I climb into the cockpit of The Messenger. She’s a four-seater, built to be light and fast. But today she’s weighted down with nineteen hundred pounds of fuel: tanks in the wings, in the center body, next to me, and behind me where the passenger seats should be. There’s har...

Promise the Night by Michaela MacColl

The Revelation of Louisa May (2015)

Amy has all the funand I have all the work.It isn’t fair, oh, it isn’t fair!” cried Jo passionately. Beth, please may I borrow your gloves?” May asked. Her small trunk was open wide and there were clothes strewn pell-mell about the small bedroom. Beth sat on May’s bed, retrieving dresses and nigh...

The Revelation of Louisa May (2015) by Michaela MacColl

Freedom's Price

PA stood in the cell’s open doorway looking as though he hadn’t slept at all. Lizzie was curled up against Eliza’s back, but Ma was nowhere to be seen. “Good morning, Eliza,” Pa said. “Where’s Ma?” she asked. Moving gingerly away from Lizzie, Eliza got to her feet, her back stiff from the thin st...

Freedom's Price by Michaela MacColl

Rory's Promise (2014)

Rory squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. It was time. She helped the nuns shepherd fifty-seven children, the youngest only three years old and the eldest just six. Outside a line of horse-drawn taxicabs waited for the children. The nuns kept the smallest children from wandering under th...

Rory's Promise (2014) by Michaela MacColl

Always Emily (2014)

Charlotte shoved open the kitchen door with both hands, slamming it into the wall. “Miss Charlotte, gently with the door!” Tabby ordered. She was at the large sink, peeling potatoes. “That wall was just whitewashed and there you go scuffing it. That’s not like you.” Charlotte pulled up a stool ne...

Always Emily (2014) by Michaela MacColl

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