Shelby's in a corset. I simply shake my head, wondering what lies on the ladder-rung below this one. I've been watching her long before I needed to start surveillance, and I saw her step steadily down one tiny notch at a time since I was assigned her case those few months ago. Watching isn't stal...
When her car pulls in, her eyes meet mine in complete understanding. Only a moment later she's standing beside me, gaging me as she always does. Without hesitation, I lean down and kiss her gently as I wrap my hand around the back of her neck. "I'm sorry," I breathe across her lips when I find t...
We pack in silence and I see her take several deep breaths as we go. Her beautiful wings are stretching. I am so damn proud of her. We drop our suitcases in the bed of my truck again and Sofia reaches for my keys. Hell yeah, she did. My woman will drive herself right back into the fight, knowin...