Genre: High FantasyThis book was slow. The core of the story of the series (imo) is the relationship between Erin/Sara and Stefanos. The last time they interact in this book is about page 20, which I'm sure explains some of why the book was slow.If the first book was Erin falling in love with Ste...
Summary :The Bright Heart and the Dark heart have fought for millennia by the intermediary of their immortal children, the Servants of the Light or the Servants of the Dark, and by the intermediary of the human empires and kingdoms those Servants have built. Erin is the granddaughter of the Lady,...
The Dominion, once divided by savage clan wars, has kept an uneasy peace within its border since that long-ago time when the clan Leonne was gifted with the magic of the Sun Sword and was raised up to reign over the five noble clans. But now treachery strikes at the very heart of the Dominion as ...
Liked the story - stayed up all night to finish Children of the blood and sequel Chains of Darkness - however, I gave it just 3 stars because in my view the story could have been told in much less time. It went on and on - slow start and I skipped over 60% of book to get to main events. So, I ju...
He could not preside over ceremonies given for the nobility and had to hand that duty, in trust, to Benataan Lord Torvallen, the second of the Karnari—his rival for the seat of the Empire’s power. It had not gone unnoticed or unmarked, and House Damion’s fortunes and alliances had grown cool and ...