It’s so nice to meet you! I’m Minnie Crockwell—single woman, traveler and amateur sleuth by accident. Please join me on my adventures as I travel across the United States in my recreational vehicle (RV). If my first adventure was anything to go by, I suspect I’ll be meeting all sorts of folks al...
Amanda said to Jackson quickly. I looked down at Jackson and he looked up at me with rounded eyes. Ranger Jackson surprises us, Ben said. I was so taken aback, I could hardly answer him. Even if Amanda had worked for Jackson at Yellowstone, even if he had been checking on a victim’s spouse, it wa...
Sally stared at her hands. “He’s dead,” she muttered. “Carl is dead.” “What? How?” Where was my phone? I needed to call 911. The nearby porch lights went out, and no one else had emerged from their trailers. I was left alone to deal with Sally. “I don’t know,” she said on a ragged voice. She be...