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Misty Kayn books

Misty Kayn
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Read Books by Misty Kayn


Here for Shaye

Meeting Sir R with whom she'd exchanged online debauchery for a weekend camping trip in the heat of the desert's July sun, was hazardous. First shift's work report completed, Shaye loaded a tray with six more test tubes on the main hematology instrument. While the probe sucked up the blood for te...

Here for Shaye by Misty Kayn

Alien Fae Mate

Groin. I liked that word because it sounded much better than thinking my girl worked near cocks. I even let her eat lunch, get some energy into her. She’d need it. I’d taken her, and the wraiths hadn’t come. Now I couldn’t get enough. I could have her without turning her into a fae female. I’d ne...

Alien Fae Mate by Misty Kayn

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