“Mama?” “Aye, sweets. Mama’s here for you.” Heather had relived her moments with Torrian at least five times in her mind. She was so in love with the tawny-haired warrior, it was a struggle to force her mind back to the present. Wee Nellie rubbed th...
She knew not what it was, but she was desperate to get as far away as possible from it. Racing back toward the castle, she scanned the crowd for any sign of Kyle, her uncle and aunt and her cousins. Why had she not paid closer attention to where she was going? She screamed...
He could feel her soft breasts moving as she breathed, teasing his chest hairs. Her eyes still had dark circles under them. He was partly to blame. He had kept her up. Waking her early probably wasn’t the right thing to do then, however, his member had its own opinion abou...