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Morgan, Rachel books

morgan, rachel
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Read Books by morgan, rachel


creepy hollow 05 - a faerie's revenge

It was a challenge at first, picturing the absence of something rather than an actual thing, but with all my recent practice, it’s definitely easier than it used to be. I didn’t even have to pretend I was someone else when coming into the Guild. I simply made the guard see a closed wall and only ...

creepy hollow 05 - a faerie's revenge by morgan, rachel

Masquerade (Creepy Hollow, #4)

I stamp the floor with my newly transformed heel. “That traitorous thief!” Nate must have taken the disc the same night we returned from the labyrinth. Why? To give it to Zell? To use it himself? “Violet? Is there a problem?” Now is definitely not the best time to ponder Nate’s motivations. “Nope...

Masquerade (Creepy Hollow, #4) by morgan, rachel

The Faerie Prince (Creepy Hollow, #2)

He isn’t there, though. Tora is. And this is the room that used to be mine when I lived with her.“Good morning,” she says, looking up from a collection of papers in her hand. She places them on the bedside table and leans forward in her chair. “Ready to face the world again?”I look down and see a...

The Faerie Prince (Creepy Hollow, #2) by morgan, rachel

The Faerie War

I look at Ryn, who’s staring at the sword in open-mouthed shock. “It glows?” I say. “Has it done that before?”He shakes his head.“Do you think she’s the one?” I whisper. “The girl we’ve been looking for?”“I don’t know. I certainly wasn’t picturing someone like . . . her.”“Yeah, me neither.” I tur...

The Faerie War by morgan, rachel

creepy hollow 05.5 - scarlett

Beth exclaimed when she saw the river of molten lava flowing down the wall. She stumbled backward, expecting the molten rock to spew forth at any second and burn her alive.“Holy hat?” Tilda repeated with a laugh as Beth backed into her and the bundle of towels she was carrying. “I’ve never heard ...

creepy hollow 05.5 - scarlett by morgan, rachel

The Faerie Guardian

I sit up immediately, afraid that Zell will somehow follow us through. But the only thing that breaks the silence on this quiet street is the sound of our labored breathing and the occasional cricket chirp.     I collapse onto my side—the side that wasn’t hit with Zell’s magic...

The Faerie Guardian by morgan, rachel

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