Garit is one. I would trust my life to Garit. It was he who taught the children to ride, who trained their first ponies—he has been like a brother to us. * The sky was the color of copper, the sun gone behind the mountains, when Seastrider and Windcaller winged up between streaks of cloud. Below,...
Teb said, watching Accacia. “We have nothing like them in Thedria. There must be huge crowds, visiting dignitaries?” He busied himself breaking bread, served with the first course, of shellfish. “Are such games enjoyed often, or only on special occasions?” “Oh, special occasions,” Accacia said br...
“Sivich’s riders,” Pixen said. “Heading for the west portal.” Teb shivered. “They’ll come in there, too; they’ll be all over the caves.” “They won’t get in here,” Pixen repeated. “But can’t they look in through the slits? Can’t they see us?” “No man can climb that sheer wall. The slits were meant...