It’s July 1969 and while the attention of everyone else in her Long Island neighborhood is on the impending moonwalk, Tamara Ann Simpson’s focus is the black hole created by the sudden departure of her best friend, Kebsie, a foster child who lived across the street. She directs her considerable a...
After finishing this, I read a review talking about how refreshing it was to read a story as told from the perspective of a bully.I think we read different books.While I suppose the bully angle sort of makes sense, it doesn’t work for me. To me, Tamara (the narrator) was a bratty loner no one lik...
I am positive about the cookies because as soon as Muscle Man threw me the BF charm, I ran home and ate an entire box. The emptiness started the day I learned that Kebsie moved from Ramble Street. Nighttime makes it worse, and sleeping is near impossible. Instead of wrestling with my sheet and pi...